Monday, March 10, 2008

Mr. O

Mr. O

Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympiad (Mr.O) are prized titles that set a god-like level of physique as the basis for entrance into the competition. Cheating to attain a title of such nature seems unethical and immoral yet the use of steroids has become a devastating problem in these competitions. Politics don’t fall far from the dumbbell for Arnold Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger’s strategic marriage to achieve political success, marrying into the elite political family, the Kennedys’, seems as immoral as his steroid use in attaining his bodybuilding titles. Questions surface to weather these methods of attaining goals are as damaging to Arnold’s character as they seem. In analyzing the incredibly goal oriented lifestyle of the world icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the only objective left is to determine if the credit is justly due.

In 1968 the twenty-one year old Arnold Schwarzenegger emigrated into the U.S.

from Austria with only a mindful of determination to live off of. Barbara Baker became Arnold’s first girlfriend in the U.S. just seven months after his immigration. Mrs. Barker in an interview with The Daily Telegraph described Arnold as, “a prolific goal setter, Arnold would write rediculous objectives at the start of the year on index cards, and succeed in doing all of them.” She goes on to include, “(Arnold) had this incredible focus and that was very stimulating. He's as much a self-made man as it's possible to be - he never got encouragement from his parents, his family, his brother. He just had this huge determination to prove himself, and that was very attractive.” Mrs. Barker in the interview includes that Arnold had told her of his goals to become Governor of California in the seventies.

Setting the political career goal of becoming governor early questions if Schwarzenegger’s marriage to television journalist Maria Shriver, niece of John F. Kennedy was a means to achieve an end, his goal of governor, or real love. Marrying into the most prized political family would defiantly give political spotlight to Arnold. Coincidence seems far-fetched yet a twenty-two year marriage yielding four children seems a highly extravagant means to achieve a goal. With similar common interests, politics and media, Schwarzenegger and Shriver’s marriage appears to have a firm foundation. The couple both working in media are viewed by the general public to be fairly attractive figures. Arnold being awarded the treasured O seven times is labeled with the single greatest bodybuilding physique ever! Money and fame are worth no consideration as the two independently acquired both. The intent for marrying Maria Shriver seems an unanswerable question that tangles a goal oriented man with his success.

In Arnold’s defense his accomplishments in bodybuilding are what built him the name and title that made him what he is today. Arnold’s workouts are preformed throughout the nation in attempts to become Arnold Strong. Arnold’s accomplishments are what brought him into the media and presented the chance to even meet a Kennedy. From his early days as an actor and devoted bodybuilder Schwarzenegger has persevered to achieve excellence. What is Arnold’s, the Great Oak, claim to fame… twenty-two inch biceps. Arnold recollects in a Muscle and Fitness interview his bodybuilding measurements, “during the peak of my career, my calves were 20 inches, thighs 28.5 inches, waist 34 inches, chest 57 inches, and 22-inch arms.” These measurements to an ordinary bodybuilder seem factitious, requiring devoted perseverance for the entirety of ones life to obtain. Or steroids! Arnold has admitted to the fact of using illegal anabolic steriod. Arnold claims that, “steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for a contest. I did not use them for muscle growth, but rather for muscle maintenance when cutting up.” It is believed that Schwarzenegger won his first Mr. Olympia title using just

3-Dianabol(Methandrostenolone) once per day. The competition for the Mr. O title has seen a vast majority of its contenders using anabolic steroids. Some estimates place the use of steroids at eighty percent. During Arnold’s rein as Mr. O few tests and little information is avaible on steriod use. Speculation places a high percentage of the athletes at the contest even during Arnold’s time under the influence of preformance inhancing drugs.

Arnold resorting to drugs to get a compettitive edge may label him a poor role model but his attributes to bodybuilding are unmatched. Being the figure head for bodybuilding, Arnold invented more than twenty-five exercises that tax muscles to their limits. As Time Magazine puts it, “He outpsyched his opponents as well as out — trained them. He did a deeply American thing: he took a bohemian subculture and infused it with the hard — edged, competitive ethos of capitalism.”His invention of triple drop sets and multiple angular rotations produces a physique that catapulted him into Hollywood.

Arnold’s roles in film come as no surprise. A super-human physique is necessary for roles such as the Terminator and Connan the Barbarian. Yet, Arnold reaches a height in acting few others achieve as the single highest paid actor. Arnold had no help in becoming a movie icon and his movie status would prove to carry into his political life as the Governator.

Arnold in numerous respects is self taught and self made. Arriving in the U.S. knowing less then 200 English words his vocabulary expanded almost as quickly as his social life. Arnold made his first million before the age of thirty and before his roles in film. A brick laying company with fellow Mr. Olympian Franco Columbu would prove a successful start to Arnold’s rise to the top. Schwarzenegger’s brick laying company was known for its marketing savvy and ability to lay twice as many bricks as the competition in the same day. Arnold invested profits from the brick laying company into what he knew best, bodybuilding. The highly successful business ventures of Arnold were all to his credit he gives praise to other entrepreneurs such as Donald Trump for their advice and know-how but cites that he was self motivated and highly determined to succeed.

The question left standing for the sixty-one year old Schwarzenegger is weather the credit is justly due? In the two California elections that placed Arnold in office as governor voting was superfluously in his favor. Winning both elections by more than a million votes it is quite evident that his rein as governor is as treasured as his rein as Mr. O. Arnold as a role model appears flawed but to modern standards it is just to hard to tarnish a surname as long as his. Presumably all of politics is a popularity contest with a prime example being the current president George W. Bush. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the American Dream a self made highly goal oriented man with a vision. His methods in attaining this dream are questionable but at best dust under the plate rack. Arnold as he stands 6’2, 240 has the drive that is necessary in a political office. His charisma from a highly social lifestyle is only seconded by his goal oriented mind. Arnold Schwarzenegger quite simply is a leader and damn fine one at that!


James Spica said...

This was quite well written and indeed stood out to me as being one of the better-written pieces. I look forward to workshopping it.

Adam W. Warner said...

nice gary. good writing clear voice and nice movement.

Anthony said...

This is good writing Gary and well researched. I really liked your humor throughout the piece.

Munirah said...

i had a lot of fun reading this piece, especially because of the the humor that you used and some of the phrases you came up with like "dust under the plate rack". good job!