Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin during his life composed a thesis on the evolution of a species and how its processes are carried out. Darwin the wise and religious man he was saw the implications to his findings and set his thesis aside for many years (12 years). In the advent of someone else making claim to his discoveries he published Origin of Species a comprehensive look at observations noted while aboard The Beagle.

In much the same fashion as then people have looked at these findings through distorted lenses. The great debate over the question of God not only arose in the publishing of Darwin’s thesis but also still persists today. Taking a comparative look at the mindsets of then and now I aim to distinguish truths about the theory of evolution and its poor liking.

Further undertakings of the project will delve into the lives of some Americans today who have closed their mind to the ideas of science. Specifically touching on the awe that is inspired by the complexity of science I hope to mold a discussion that leds to a greater understanding of the how a supreme being can still be assumed while accepting the inevitable fact that is evolution.

1 comment:

Marin said...

Please post your revised proposal we discussed about Arnold Schwarzenegger asap.